Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Web Designer Without Coding

It's a question that pops up in many people's mind who want to be a web designer. Can I become a web designer without coding? Well, the good news is "YES, YOU CAN!" It's absolutely possible with all the platforms and tools out there in the market.

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The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform
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When you think of starting your career in web designing and development, there is this question that definitely comes to everyone’s mind. And I am sure, almost every web designer nowadays atleast will give it a thought. Can I be a web designer without having to do lots of coding or no coding at all? Well, the answer is its absolutely possible in today’s digital world with the loads of platforms and tools available. Yes, you heard it right! There is an unending list of platforms and tools available which can make your web designing much easier without requiring a single piece of code. You can take a deep breath of relief and start reading this article while keeping till the end so as to know the best platforms which can give you ultimate results.

If you are a beginner or you don’t have a degree, you can check out this amazing article on how you can become a web developer without the need of a degree.

Let’s clear your doubt in this article and make you absolutely ready for doing web designing without coding and booming in your field.

Understanding the Basics of Web Design

As a first step, it is important that you have the basic knowledge of web designing. Even though you don’t need to do coding, but you should be well adapted by the basic concepts of web designing. To make beautiful, user-friendly, and functional websites, you should be familiar with the web designing concepts. 

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1. Layout, Color Theory, Typography & Visual Hierarchy

By having good ideas of layout, color theory, typography, and visual hierarchy, you can be able to create designs that are visually luring and attract with your target audience towards exploring your website.


2. Navigation Menus and User-friendliness

User-friendly interfaces, clear navigation menus, and thoughtful placement of interactive elements contribute to a positive user experience.

Restaurant Ecommerce Website

While most of the features will be available by the tools, but using the tools efficiently and creating amazing websites out of it also requires basic understanding of web design. So, initially make sure to grasp the basic concepts.

Explore Code-Free Web Design Tools and Platforms

Thanks to the creation of various code-free web design tools and platforms, the world of web design has seen a tremendous change and growth. These innovative solutions empower individuals without coding experience to effortlessly create visually stunning websites. Endless code-free web design tools are available today. All you need is just a little bit of research through google to find the tool that best suits your need.

One of the simplest tool of all time

Site123 is fast, easy, free and no-code website builder using which you can build websites in no time and without any prior coding knowledge. Also if you opt for their premium plan, it’s much cheaper than any other website builder providing you free domain for 1 year and 10GB storage space with flexible durations of 3/12/24/26 months.

Content Management System

You can also use CMS that provide a platform for building and managing websites. These tools make it possible to organize, edit, and generate digital content without any coding knowledge. With the most popular CMS, WordPress, you can completely customize your website without writing a single line of code thanks to its vast selection of themes and plugins. As WordPress provides various themes and plugins to choose from, GeneratePress is one of the best themes which offers SEO-friendliness with focus on speed, stability and accessibility.

If you want to know what is the best way to build a website and what steps you should follow, check out this article which provides 7 proven steps for building your own website

You may choose the ideal method for creating your website without the need for coding knowledge by knowing the benefits and drawbacks of drag-and-drop website builders and investigating content management systems. Whether you opt for a drag-and-drop builder or a CMS, both options provide opportunities for code-free design, giving you the freedom to showcase your creativity and bring your web design vision to life.

Choose a good domain and hosting plan

Domain and hosting

Nevertheless of whether you create a website with or without coding, you will need a domain and hosting plan for launching your website online. If you want to be a good web designer, you should also be able to choose a good domain and hosting service which provides you solutions to most of the hosting related problems. Your domain name is your online identity, so it’s important to select a memorable and relevant name that reflects your brand or website’s purpose. Equally important is selecting a reliable hosting plan that meets the needs of your website. Factors to consider are server performance, uptime guarantees, scalability options, security features, and customer support.

Hostinger is a very good hosting and domain provider which comes with unbeatable cheap plans. You can get all in one place along with a free domain for 1 year, 100 GB SSD storage which is huge and a capacity to create 100 websites altogether.  By investing in a good domain and hosting plan, you lay a solid foundation for your website’s performance, security, and user experience. Remember, a well-chosen domain and reliable hosting contribute to the overall success of your online presence.


To conclude, becoming a web designer without coding skills offers a remarkable opportunity to create beautiful and functional websites. With the availability of intuitive website builders and reliable hosting options, you can step on your web design journey with confidence. By combining the power of website builders and hosting solutions, you can become a web designer without coding and unlock endless possibilities in the digital realm. Start your journey today and explore endless opportunities.


Yes, you can become a web designer without coding. You may develop professional and aesthetically pleasing websites without writing code thanks to the availability of intuitive website builders, drag-and-drop user interfaces, and content management systems (CMS). You can realize your creative vision using these tools and platforms’ user-friendly interfaces, adaptable templates, and design options. By leveraging these code-free solutions, you can embark on a web design journey and build websites that captivate and engage your audience.

Yes, you can definitely become a self-taught web designer. It is feasible to learn web design on your own because to the wealth of internet tools, tutorials, and courses that are readily available. By dedicating time and effort to self-study, engaging in real-world projects, and consistently expanding your skills, you can attain the knowledge and proficiency required to excel as a web designer. It’s crucial to be determined, persistent, and up to date with the most recent developments in the industry. Remember, self-learning allows you to tailor your learning path and pace according to your needs and interests, making it a flexible and rewarding journey to pursue.

Yes, coding is an essential skill for web development. It enables the development of websites and online apps as well as their modification and upkeep. It is essential to have a grasp of computer languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as they serve as the foundation of the internet. While there are code-free tools available, they have limitations and lack the flexibility to fully customize and optimize websites. Proficiency in coding enables web developers to create dynamic and interactive web experiences, implement complex features, and solve technical challenges. Although there are varying levels of coding proficiency required for web development, success in this industry depends on having a strong code foundation.

It’s very much possible to become a web designer without any experience in today’s digital world. Follow the guide – how to become a web developer without degree to know how you can excel in the web development/designing field without even having a single knowledge about it. 

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