Top 13 Responsive Website Builders of 2023

With the variety of website builders available today, its very easy to build a website and customize in our own way. This blog highlights 13 responsive website builders.

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In today’s digital landscape, responsive website design has become increasingly important. Websites must adapt in order to offer a seamless user experience across platforms given the extensive use of smartphones, tablets, and different screen sizes. Responsive design ensures that websites automatically adjust their layout, content, and functionality to fit different screen sizes and resolutions. This enhances user satisfaction and also improves accessibility, usability, and engagement. Businesses may reach a larger audience, improve their online presence, and maintain their competitiveness in a world that is becoming more mobile-centric by having a responsive website design. Regardless of the device visitors use to access the website, it is crucial to providing them with a seamless and uniform experience. Having said that, there are several website builders available in the market today to make our work easier and feasible. This article will provide you list of 13 top responsive website builders with the help of which you can easily develop your website without much hustle. 

What are website builders?

Website builders are online platforms that enable individuals and businesses to create websites without the need for coding or technical expertise. To assist customers in creating and customizing their websites, these user-friendly tools offer a selection of templates, design components, and customization choices.

Websote Builders logo

Users are frequently able to swiftly add and arrange content, images, videos, and other elements on their websites thanks to the drag-and-drop interface utilized by website builders. They also provide features for managing website navigation, adding forms, integrating social media, and optimizing the site for search engines. Without the need to pay web developers or designers, anyone may quickly and easily construct websites that appear professional.

Role of website builders in simplifying the website creation process

Website builders play a significant role in simplifying the process of constructing a website so that individuals and organizations without extensive technical expertise may utilize it. Numerous features, drag-and-drop ability, adaptable templates, and user-friendly interfaces are offered by these systems. By eliminating the need for coding or programming skills, website builders empower users to create professional-looking websites quickly and easily.

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They provide a variety of features and tools for content management, design customization, and even e-commerce integration. By providing pre-designed layouts, responsive designs, and built-in functionalities, website builders streamline the process, saving consumers time and resources. Overall, website builders simplify website creation, democratizing the process and enabling anyone to establish a strong online presence.

What is the criteria to choose your website builder?

When evaluating and selecting the top 13 responsive website builders for this article, several key criteria are taken into consideration. Ease of use is important, as builders should have intuitive interfaces and user-friendly tools that simplify the website creation process. Flexibility in design is essential because it enables users to modify templates and layouts to meet their specific requirements and preferences.

The Best Website Builder

Mobile responsiveness is a vital factor, ensuring that websites adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. The website builder gains value from the inclusion of features like e-commerce integration, SEO optimization, and social media integration. Pricing is another consideration, with builders offering various plans and pricing tiers to cater to different budgets. Lastly, reliable customer support is essential, providing assistance and guidance when needed. By assessing these factors, the top 13 responsive website builders are selected to meet the diverse needs of users seeking an optimal website creation experience.

List of Top 13 Responsive Website Builders

Here is a list of the top 13 responsive website builders. Each website builder has unique abilities and caters to different target markets

1. WebsiteBuilder ( is an ideal option for cost-effective and user-friendly website building, perfect for small businesses and individuals seeking a range of features. Users may simply design and customize their websites with its drag-and-drop capabilities without any prior coding experience. The vast selection of fully editable templates on is one of its best advantages.

website builder

Users have the option to choose from various well created templates that can be customized to incorporate their unique needs. This ensures that users can create a visually appealing and unique website. Another notable feature of is its user-friendly interface. The platform is made to be user-friendly for beginners, making it simple for users to navigate and use the builder. The drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to add and arrange elements on the website, providing flexibility and customization options. also offers various essential features such as a built-in blog, e-commerce functionality, and SEO tools. Users may increase their internet presence, bring in more visitors, and even make money from their websites by utilizing these features. The main target market for is small enterprises, independent contractors, freelancers, and people that require a straightforward and reasonably priced solution to develop their internet presence.

It is particularly suitable for those who prioritize ease of use and do not have extensive technical expertise.

2. Weebly

Weebly is a popular website builder known for its simplicity, flexibility, and robust features. It serves a wide range of customers, which includes private citizens, independent contractors, and online merchants. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, anyone can effortlessly build a professional-looking website, no coding skills required.


Weebly’s App Centre, which provides a huge range of third-party applications and connectors, is one of its special features. Through the addition of features like contact forms, live chat, e-commerce tools, and others, users can improve the functioning of their website. The App Center expands the possibilities and customization options available to users.

Weebly is a great option for companies wishing to sell things online because it also has strong e-commerce capabilities. It offers features like inventory management, secure payment options, and a streamlined checkout process, empowering users to set up and run their online stores effectively.


Weebly is suitable for those who want to create a professional website or an online store quickly and easily.

3. Jimdo

Jimdo is a popular website builder that stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. With its user-friendly interface, Jimdo is an excellent choice for beginners or individuals seeking a quick and effortless website creation experience. With Jimdo, users can create a professional-looking website without any coding skills.

One of the unique features of Jimdo is its AI-powered website creation tool called “Jimdo Dolphin.” This innovative feature uses artificial intelligence to analyze user inputs and automatically generate a personalized website layout and design. It significantly streamlines the website creation process, enabling users to launch their site rapidly.


Jimdo also provides a range of professionally designed templates that can be customized to suit individual preferences. To design a unique and aesthetically pleasant website, users can rapidly alter fonts, colorrs, layouts, and other elements.

Jimdo offers integrated e-commerce capabilities, allowing users to set up an online store and sell products directly from their website. It is suitable for small businesses and entrepreneurs wishing to have an online presence because it offers features like product administration, safe payment methods, and order monitoring.  It is a fantastic solution for people who want to quickly build a useful and attractive website without needing any technical experience.


4. Site123


Site123 is a user-friendly website builder that offers a hassle-free website creation experience. Its standout feature is its AI-powered design assistant, which assists users in quickly building a customized website. It caters to individuals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs who prioritize simplicity and speed in website development.

5. Webflow


Webflow is a powerful website builder designed for creative professionals and web designers. It provides advanced design and customization capabilities, allowing users to create visually stunning and interactive websites. With its responsive design options and extensive integrations, Webflow is ideal for businesses that require highly customized and visually impressive websites.

6. Shopify


Leading e-commerce platform Shopify focuses on building online storefronts. It offers a comprehensive suite of features for managing product listings, inventory, payments, and shipping. It has robust e-commerce features with the help of which companies of any size can develop and manage their online stores.

7. Wix


Wix is a popular website builder known for its user-friendly interface and extensive template collection. It is appropriate for a variety of enterprises and sectors because it has a wide range of functionality and customization choices. Wix’s drag-and-drop editor and Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) empower users to create professional-looking websites with ease.

8. WordPress


Bloggers, companies, and individuals can all use the flexible website builder and (CMS) content management system offered by With its extensive selection of themes, plugins, and customization possibilities, users can build incredibly useful and scalable websites. Those who value flexibility, scalability, and control over the appearance and functioning of their website favour

9. Squarespace

Square Space

Squarespace is a visually appealing website builder that focuses on creating sleek and modern websites. It offers beautifully designed templates and a user-friendly editor for customization. Squarespace is popular among creative professionals, artists, and photographers who prioritize aesthetics and a seamless user experience.

10. Elementor


Elementor is a powerful drag-and-drop page builder plugin for WordPress. It enhances the design and editing capabilities of WordPress, enabling users to create visually stunning and interactive websites. For individuals that desire more control over the look and feel of their WordPress websites, Elementor is a good option.

11. BigCommerce


All-inclusive e-commerce platform BigCommerce serves companies of all sizes. It offers a complete collection of tools for setting up and running online stores, including tools for managing products, processing payments, and advertising. BigCommerce is an excellent choice for businesses focused on selling products online.

12. GoDaddy Website Builder


All-inclusive e-commerce platform BigCommerce serves companies of all sizes. It offers a complete collection of tools for setting up and running online stores, including tools for managing products, processing payments, and advertising. BigCommerce is an excellent choice for businesses focused on selling products online.

13. Wix ADI

Wix adi

Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) is an innovative feature offered by Wix. It uses AI algorithms to create a personalized website design based on the user’s preferences and content. Wix ADI is ideal for users who want a fast and automated website creation process.


In conclusion, this article has highlighted the top 13 responsive website builders of 2023, emphasizing their features, strengths, and target audience. Readers are encouraged to explore these website builders based on their unique needs and preferences. It is important to consider factors such as goals, budget, and technical expertise when selecting a responsive website builder. Thanks to user-friendly interfaces, adaptable templates, and a wealth of options accessible, building a professional and mobile-responsive website is now simpler than ever. For individuals, small businesses, and e-commerce stores alike, a plethora of website builders cater to your specific needs. Spend some time weighing your alternatives and picking the website builder that best suits your needs and budget.


A responsive website builder is a tool or platform that allows users to create websites that automatically adapt and adjust their layout and design to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures optimal viewing and user experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

The layout and content of a website can adapt and adjust based on device screen size and resolution through the implementation of responsive design techniques using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in website builders. This ensures that the website displays properly and functions well across various devices.

The best responsive website builder depends on your specific needs and preferences. Popular options include Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, WordPress, Shopify, and Webflow. When selecting the best option for your requirements, consider factors such as usability, design versatility, features, pricing, and customer support.

Yes, many responsive website builders offer e-commerce capabilities, allowing you to create and manage an online store. These builders often provide features like product listings, shopping carts, payment gateways, and inventory management to support your e-commerce needs.

Utilizing a responsive website builder has benefits such as streamlined website development and management, mobile-friendly designs, pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop capability, SEO optimization, and the capacity to customize your website without knowing any coding.

No, coding knowledge is not typically required to use a responsive website builder. These platforms allow users to build websites without having any prior coding experience because to their user-friendly interfaces, drag-and-drop capabilities, and pre-designed templates.

The cost of building a responsive website using a website builder varies depending on the platform and the features you require. Many website builders offer free plans with limited features, while premium plans range from a few dollars per month to higher-priced options that provide more advanced functionality.

Indeed, most responsive website builders allow you to customize the visual design and overall aesthetic of your website. To construct a special and tailored website, you can select from a selection of templates, alter colors, fonts, and photos, and rearrange elements.

Yes, responsive website builders are specifically designed to create mobile-friendly websites. The responsive design techniques used in these builders ensure that your website automatically adjusts its layout and content to provide an optimal user experience on mobile devices.

Yes, most responsive website builders provide SEO optimization features and tools to help you improve your website’s search engine rankings. You can optimize page titles, meta descriptions, URLs, and content, and utilize features like sitemaps and SEO plugins to enhance your website’s visibility and performance in search engine results.

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